Saturday, January 10, 2009

Through a Looking Glass

As season 5 of LOST draws nearer, Jan. 21st in case your not counting down the days like I am, I begin my annual quest to re-watch as much of the previous seasons as possible before the new season starts. The benefits of doing so are as bountiful as they are enjoyable, and each year I find myself finding more and more small facts that I missed when watching earlier. Another benefit is that I am able to see much more clearly how the entire scope of the show is drawn together over the course of the years. So as the countdown to season 5 winds down, I will be posting little factoids about LOST that I have never caught in the past, hopefully you will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed discovering them.

Season 1, Ep 4: Walkabout
After they discover boars rummaging through the fuselage, Locke decides that it is time to do some hunting (but not before impressing everyone with his knife throwing skills). Locke asks Kate if she wants to come along, and Kate tells him that she is a vegetarian. This may or may not be true depending on what my viewing the coming weeks finds.

Season 1, Ep 5: White Rabbit

Charlie wakes Jack to alert him that there is someone out in the water who apparently has been carried out to sea by the undertow. Hero complex firing on all cylinders, Jack wakes from his slumber and immediately heads for the water to save the poor soul who forgot how to swim. As Jack is headed for the ocean Charlie screams frantically that he doesn't swim. Shouting "I don't swim" at the top of his lungs at least four or five times. Now as we all know from the Season 3 finale "Through a Looking Glass" Charlie bravely volunteers to swim down to the station and kill the signal jammer that is stopping the losties transmission from getting off the island. He even goes so far as to say that he was a Jr. Champion as a kid in England.

So either Charlie could swim and was simply too much of a coward to go and save the drowning victim himself (a distinct possibility given that at this point in the series he was still a drug addict) or Charlie really doesn't swim in which case this only reinforces his desire to see Claire and Aaron get off the island.

Either way, I miss Charlie.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a new Lostie - watching all four seasons on DVD this past summer and then around Christmas time. I love your take on everything and I'm hopelessly and totally addicted to this show. Can't wait to talk about it with everyone here at work.
