Monday, March 23, 2009

...And Then You'll Go Forward Again

It's been nearly two weeks since I sold my Xbox, and to this point I am rather pleased with some of the changes that I have been able to make. The most important being that I have been doing better (still not great) about reading the Good Book on a daily basis and encouraging my wife to do likewise. It is amazing the difference it makes just spending 5 minutes a day reading from the life of Jesus will make on the rest of the day.

I also am starting a book that I have been wanting to read for some time called "Constantine and the Christian Empire", and am going to try and complete it in the next 3 weeks or so. Constantine's role in establishing the early state church is something that is one of my greatest interest, as it directly influences so many things that the world does today. So much of Christianity and western religion is established not in Biblical theology or example, but in continuing the tradition that was established for them by their fathers, and it's a darn shame. I believe that the two biggest Idols in America today are tradition and the American dream and all of the economic and political rubbish that is going on now will play a huge role in breaking down the "deity" that is the American dream. Here's hoping I have the attention span to complete the book.

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